
Support users working remotely

Get started with Nexudus

Stay connected regardless of where your users are working from. The integration between Zoom and Nexudus allows remote workers to stay connected with your community, make meeting bookings in your calendar and allows you to run virtual events.

Remote working looks set to continue, in some capacity, well into the future, and our integration with Zoom makes this much easier for both you and your community.

Zoom for Community Board Messages
Allows members and customers using your community boards to request a unique Zoom Meeting link, letting them join that conversation remotely.

Zoom for Events
Provides unique and secure Zoom Meeting links to every attendee who purchases tickets for each of your events.

Zoom for Bookings
Members and customers placing bookings in your calendar will be able to request a unique Zoom Meeting link with each reservation.

Include zoom meeting link in Nexudus meetings

About Zoom

Zoom Video Communications is a remote conferencing services company. It provides remote conferencing services that combine video conferencing, online meetings, chat and mobile collaboration.

  • Keep your coworking community connected - wherever they are.
  • Make running virtual events easier by running them on Zoom.

Get started

If you have any questions regarding the integration between Nexudus and Zoom, take a look at Zoom’s dedicated article in our Knowledge Base or contact our support team with any questions you may have about setting up the integration.

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