
A simple and understated solution for meeting room booking

Get started with Nexudus

Tapirx displays are a simple and easy to use way to manage booking and scheduling in your workspace.

They sync directly with the Nexudus Platform, making the management of bookings that much easier. Installation is also quick and easy, and their ultra-long battery life means each display can last up to three years on a single charge.

Understated design
Tapirx devices' understates design provide a top-quality meeting and resource booking system, without compromising on the design of your workspace.

Contactless booking
Meeting rooms and resources linked to Tapirx devices allow for contactless booking through 'scan-to-book' QR codes.

Display resource details
Display features of the meeting room or resources linked to each Tapirx display, such as meeting room capacity.

Tapirx room display integration with Nexudus

About Tapirx

Tapirx is an office management device and application designed to optimise your bookings management. Their devices are also designed to work with desk bookings and other resources in your workspace.

  • Easy installation
  • Instant room booking from the screen

Get started

If you have any questions regarding the integration between Nexudus and Tapirx, take a look at Tapirx’s dedicated article in our Knowledge Base or contact our support team with any questions you may have about setting up the integration.

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