
Make payments easier for members

Get started with Nexudus

The integration between Nexudus and Stripe makes payments easier by allowing your members to pay invoices and other charges in a number of ways.

With a number of different integration that can be used depending on your location's specific region, you can rest assured you will be compliant with local regulations.

Whatever region you’re in, Stripe has you covered
Nexudus supports a number of Stripe integrations, meaning you can be sure you are compliant with regional regulations.

Automatic Payments
Say goodbye to late invoice payments by enabling users to pay using Stripe ACH Payments.

Mobile Payments
Accept payments through iOS and Android apps such as Passport by Nexudus and NexKiosk.

Get started with stripe integration with Nexudus

About Stripe

Stripe is a payment processing platform that lets you collect payments from customers via card or direct debit.

  • Scale globally - No matter the size of your business, Stripe is set up to expand alongside you, with 135+ currencies and dozens of payment methods.
  • Protect from fraud - Stipe uses sophisticated machine learning to protect your business from fraudsters.

Get started

If you have any questions regarding the integration between Nexudus and Stripe, take a look at Stripe’s dedicated article in our knowledge base or contact our support team with any questions you may have about setting up the integration.

  • About

    Stripe is a payment processing platform that lets you collect payments from customers via card or direct debit.

  • Website
  • Industry


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