
A secure and easy printing experience

Get started with Nexudus

The integration between Nexudus and PaperCut offers your space an easy-to-implement print management solution for both end-users and space operators.

With this integration, you can set up prices for printing, scanning and copying, while allowing you to track users printing via your office print server.

Easy to use
PaperCut’s print management software ensures ease of use at every step for both your users and space operators.

Waste control
Keep track of your space’s environmental impact with PaperCut’s environmental dashboard, making your space as sustainable as possible.

Easy scanning
PaperCut is not only a print management software but allows you to track and charge users for scanning and copying as well.

Papercut integration application

About PaperCut

PaperCut provides simple and affordable print management software, allowing you to track and charge printing in your coworking space.

  • Multi-platform - users can print from any device, be it Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS or Android.
  • Print security - gives you and your members the peace of mind that their documents are safe and secure

Get started

If you have any questions regarding the integration between Nexudus and PaperCut, take a look at PaperCut’s dedicated article in our knowledge base or contact our support team with any questions you may have about setting up the integration.

Do you want to know more about Nexudus?

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