
Keep your community connected

Get started with Nexudus

The integration between Jitsi and Nexudus makes sure your community and their teams can stay connected even when working remotely.

Online meetings can be booked and hosted through your Members’ Portal, without the need to download any additional software. You can also have always-on video rooms, allowing for ad hoc communication and socialising for your community, so people can stay in the loop even if they are not physically in your space.

Always-on virtual rooms
Keep your community connected, wherever they are, with always-on virtual rooms for teams, individuals, and your community as a whole.

Easy bookings and meetings
Book and host virtual meetings directly from the Members’ Portal, with no need for users to download any additional software.

Free to use
Jitsi is a free and open-source solution, meaning you can make use of this integration at no extra cost.

Jitsi always-on virtual room Nexudus integration

About Jitsi

Jitsi provides secure remote video conferencing and online meetings as a free, open-source solution. This service allows you to connect with people through online meetings, as well as always-on virtual rooms that keep communities together regardless of where their members are.

  • Keep your coworking community connected with always-on virtual rooms.
  • Make booking virtual meetings quick and easy.

Get started

If you have any questions regarding the integration between Nexudus and Jitsi, take a look at Jitsi’s dedicated article in our knowledge base or contact our support team with any questions you may have about setting up the integration.

Do you want to know more about Nexudus?

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