Last week saw the second CUAsia conference, which was held in Bali. It has become one of the 'must' events for the coworking community with more than 220 participants from 31 countries this year. After some very intense days, it's time for us to reflect upon everything that we learnt, the experiences we shared and the places we visited. The conference's setting and the community gathered there, but most certainly the hard work, dedication and attention to detail on the part of the organising team, made the event extremely special.
The [CUASIA unconference 2016]( "CUASIA coworking unconference 2016") will be held next week in Ubud (Bali). For the second year running, the event will bring together members of the coworking community from thirty countries. This time the central theme will explore how to live, work and learn differently in the growing collaborative economy.
Last year, we saw the coworking movement gain popularity, attract investors and make headlines in the press. We also noticed how the general public became more familiar with the concept. Bearing this in mind, we're going to analyse the possible trends for the coming year and the impact they could have on coworking spaces and communities.
The concept of _"digital nomad"_ is growing and the term is seeping through into everyday language, especially among the technology community and startup ecosystem. We can find more and more news articles about this movement, resources for digital nomads and blogs written by people living and working remotely, who share their experiences.
María and Edo are travelling entrepreneurs and co-founders of Sende. María is from the social education sector and used to organise youth camps. She also worked tirelessly to help children from underprivileged backgrounds get access to the education they need to thrive in the working world. Edo is a serial entrepreneur and world traveller. He too worked in education and always needs to keep in touch with creative communities while building new projects.
In recent years, **the coworking movement has broadened**; there are more and more spaces, which reach an increasingly wider community and have attracted investments of around $1bn in the last year. This has undoubtedly helped the concept be progressively more "in trend" and the number of medium-sized and large companies interested in the ins and outs of the model is on the rise. As a result, there are also more events and training programmes aimed at promoting collaboration in professional working environments.
The coworking ecosystem is very diverse, which is what makes it so rich. One of the trends that we are noticing during recent years is coworking specialization. The building of models structured around collaboration and community can be found in coworking spaces, markerspaces, hackerspaces, fablabs, collaborative spaces, etc.
Throughout history, man has been interested in mapping everything that surrounds him, whether the lands are well known, recently discovered or imaginary. As a tool, maps have always been essential to help us locate ourselves in the world, but they also influence how we perceive it. For example, to represent earth, which is a geoid, cartographers use a projection system to move the geometry of a sphere to a [two-dimensional plane]( ""). But, as well as representing the contours, surfaces and angles, they have to decide what other information is relevant and should appear on the map. In one way or another, this conditions the way that we perceive things and learn.
The second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st have seen the most important technological revolution of all time. The Internet exploded and has helped make society more connected, has made large amounts of information available in real time and the cloud a work tool or for developing services and products. The coming decades show promise to be exciting when it comes to technological advances: self-driving cars, drones, machine learning, big data, etc. Nowadays, it's not easy to filter tonnes of technological data that we're subject to every day. In an interview with the BBC, Nicholas Carr, offers an interesting reflection on the role that technology will have in the society's future.
This article was originally published in **Zona Coworking**, the main coworking magazine that is available in the Spanish language. You can read the original [here]( ""). In this article, we have the collaboration of [Jaime Aranda]( "") who is the cofounder of workINcompany, the first coworking space in Andalusia (Spain). Running more than four years of a coworking space, Aranda offers his insights on the signals that may show whether your coworking space is working well, or if you should reconsider some features of your coworking space.