This is a guest article.
Ramon Suarez is the author of The Coworking Handbook, founder of Betacowork Coworking Brussels, and among other positions was the President of the European Coworking Assembly. He’s been one of the most prominent persons in the coworking world for years, helping coworking spaces and their operators all along.
For the last 9 years I’ve witnessed coworking space operators struggle with many things (and I’ve struggled with them too), but two issues stand out: community and sales.
To tackle these issues I’ve decided to start a coworking school and the first course I’ve launched is a Coworking Community Challenge. The content is practical and is geared towards growing and nurturing a healthy and thriving community in your coworking space.
Without a community of engaged coworkers in your coworking space you have no real business. You have to compete based on price only and that’s a war you are going to lose: working from home is free.
Your community of coworkers is what differentiates your space from other businesses offering flexible office space. You have a place to work but also a community of peers that help each other out.
I will help you start, grow and care for your community along the challenge. Every workday you will receive an email with the next block of readings and assignments to improve your community. There will be discussions with other coworking space operators and myself.
The course is structured around community and how it helps your business, your role as a community manager, how to start and grow your community, and how to take care of it, with a special focus on events.
Yes, as a Nexudus friend you get a sweet, sweet deal for this coworking course: 25% discount using the code NexudusIsTheBest.
Keep an eye on the coworking school. More coworking goodness is coming soon.
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