Four measures that can help managing your space during COVID-19

Four measures that can help managing your space during COVID-19

Who would have thought that the new decade would start with a pandemic? No one could have predicted that terms like self-isolation, quarantine and social distancing would govern our lives in the first half of 2020. With extended lockdowns, coworking spaces are having to develop a longer-term strategy and take essential measures in keeping their spaces and communities safe. We've gathered a few ideas that some coworking spaces are implementing to try to sail through the situation.



Keeping the communication flow with your members is a way of reassuring them you are on top of things! This is a new situation for most of us, and working on your messages to them as well as listening to what they have to say and how they are coping can help you understand how to move next. Can you repurpose some of your areas?  Can you separate desks? What are their options when they decide is time to come back to work? Communicate how the extended lockdown could affect their membership and highlight the options available to them. You can even use some of our solutions to communicate to them and help them stay connected with your community? Take a look at our previous article on ways to keep your members informed and up-to-date during COVID-19 for more information.

Look after your customers 


Even if your space is undergoing temporary closure, now is the time to invest in maintaining a healthy and meaningful relationship with your members. You can do so by providing them with useful online resources, virtual community events, virtual coworking services and maintaining a strong community feeling. We try to support that collaboration and we are relentlessly working on how to adapt our offering to the current situation. This is why we have developed an integration between Zoom and Nexudus that will help your members not only now, but in the future when they can physically return to your space. Learn more about the Nexudus and Zoom integration here.

Support to overcome


Is there anything you can do for your members that you are not doing yet? Every space has different needs and a different profile of members, but we can work together? If there was a time to speak to your peers and to think of your competitors as allies, this is it. Dive into the coworking community, learn from other coworking spaces, listen to ideas and experiences and contribute with your own. Not everything might apply to your situation or that of your members, but we can all understand the struggle and overcome it together and your members might appreciate the fresh flow of ideas too.

Reinvent your space


The impact of the pandemic is undeniable, but there might be a silver lining! This could be the opportunity to finally have a moment to understand better how our business model can evolve to keep growing, how our expenses can be rechanneled to improve efficiencies, do we have the best possible deal with our landlord and what else can do that we are not already doing? Will we be prepared if something like this ever hits us again? We don't know, but making the best of every situation with the assets you've got, and adapting to constant change and upcoming challenges is something the coworking community is known for! 

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