A step-by-step guide to freezing your customers' memberships

A step-by-step guide to freezing your customers' memberships

As a pre-emptive way to address the current situation with spaces that are temporarily closing during the Covid 19 outbreak, we have outlined some ways you can deal with freezing your customers' memberships for the time being.


The simplest solution is to create and add a Discount to the customers that accounts for the days the space was closed.


In order to implement this Discount we first need to create it.


This can be done by going to Finance>Discount Codes>Add Discount Code. 

1. Make sure that you are creating the account in the appropriate location.

If you are running a network of locations then the Discount should be created in the network account.

Discount code details

2. Enable the option to activate the Discount code.

3. If you would like to set an expiry date for the Discount you can do so in the ‘Discount Validity’ section. This is not necessary as we will address validity in a different way.

Discount Validity

4. Now you can define the Discount amount.

Discount Amount

5. With the Discount defined you can now select which items this Discount should apply to

Apply Discount To

6. If you would like the Discount to apply to all items in that category, then simply enable the toggle and do not select any items from the list.

Apply Discount To

7. Save the code that you have created.

Now we can apply the Discount to the customers.

  1. Head to the customer's account: Benefits>Discount>Add Discount 

Member discount 

2. Select the Discount we have created from the Discount list and save it

Add new discount

For instances where the Discount needs to be applied to all customers in the platform, reach out to support@nexudus.com and we will apply the Discount to all your members. 

When you no longer want the Discount to apply to any items you can go back to the Discount, disable the toggle labelled ‘Active’ and normal billing will resume without this Discount being applied. 

Should you have any questions about the process, please let us know. Wishing you all the best during these challenging times!

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