5 Things to consider before opening your first coworking space.

5 Things to consider before opening your first coworking space.

Congratulations! You’ve made the brave decision to start your own coworking space. You are probably excited, may be nervous and you perhaps have some questions. We understand that venturing into a new business is never easy, This is why we have put together 5 tips on things to consider before opening your first coworking space.

It is always vital to start any new venture with in-depth research, this will enable you to develop a sound business strategy. So let’s take a look at some figures, according to statistics published by DeskMag, 'The number of coworking spaces worldwide continues to increase significantly. Just last year, it grew by approximately a fifth. The average number of members per location also increased substantially to 90 people per location. By the end of the year, almost 2.2 million people are expected to work in over 22,000 coworking spaces worldwide!' 
You could also download DeskMag's independent conduction of the 2019 Global Coworking Survey supported by Nexudus or visit DeskMag for more information. 

This is a positive indicator and a testimony to the growing trend of collaborative and coworking communities, so be rest assured that there is a bright future in this sector when strategically planned and executed. Well, this is where we come in, but before we tell you about our flexible, easy to use, the pocket-sized white-labelled assistant platform called Nexudus, created for your convenience and full support. We would like to offer you some moral support by sharing 5 tips on things to consider before opening your first coworking space.


Easy access to wifi is good, but great coworking space WIFI connectivity is even better, so when setting up a coworking space, you should ensure that your customers are satisfied with their WIFI connectivity. You might want to consider having a backup option of hard-wired connection. Again you should consider providing onsite coworking tech support (depending on the size of your space)

coworking_space_WiFi_internet Location

A flexible and easily identified coworking space, especially in busy cities is vital for commuters. So you would need to consider a lot of factors such as:
  • How accessible your space will be?
  • Will you be providing free or paid parking space? 
  • How close is your coworking building to the nearest train station and bus stops? 
  • Will it be easy for commuters to identify your space on Google maps? 
Easy and secure access to coworking building
  • Will your space be available and open 24/7?
  • Do you plan on opening your coworking space during the weekends or is it only on weekdays?
  • Will your customers need a day, week or month pass?
  • Coworking space safety is essential, will you have 24/7 security?


Transparent fees and pricing

No one likes hidden fees, unfortunately, in some cases, fees are conveniently left out, which is why It is vital that you avoid this at all cost! When communicating your pricing, you must be transparent about all your costs. Also, having a cost-effective coworking space is ideal, especially for smaller customer types such as freelancers and entrepreneurs.


Your staff members are a reflection of your value and a huge part of your business functionality. You would need to consider staffing the right amount of people for all possible responsibilities (depending on the size of your coworking space) such as kitchen maintenance staff, receptionist, technical support team etc. When things run smoothly your customers will have a great experience.

Once, you are fully prepared, we are here to help you with the next stage. Nexudus has become a reference in the coworking and flexible workspace industry since we started back in 2012. Featured as the most comprehensive management platform to run your space, Nexudus provides mission-critical tools and technology to power your workspace business.

Our features include:
  • Online payments, integrated with +100 payment providers.
  • CRM Boards
  • Check-in and Access control
  • White-label member's portal 
  • Members directory
  • Bookings and Events 
and much more...

To read up on all of our features click here. 

We understand that venturing into a new business is never easy, we hope that you have been inspired and have gained some helpful tips from this article.

The growing understanding of coworking needs, combined with our innovative approach means that we can keep this coworking SaaS up-to-date with new features and improve the user experience If you would like to read more of our helpful tips, subscribe to our free newsletter below.

Thank you for reading.

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